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Safety Precautions

  • What is PowerCore doing to provide a clean and safe environment?
    A modified schedule has been created to maximize physical distancing and to allow time in between classes to clean and disinfect. Classes & private sessions will be 50 minutes long, with a 25 minute break in between each class to allow for smooth transitions and a proper cleaning. We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting the studio, including all commonly touched surfaces, doorknobs and restrooms. All Reformers and equipment will be wiped down after each class with a special anti-bacterial solution from Balanced Body and sanitzed with a UV light wand. To limit the number of surfaces touched, only one restroom will be open for client use. The studio’s HVAC system is operating correctly and has been recently serviced and upgraded to improve air quality. Reformers have been spaced out at least six feet apart and some have been taken out of service to achieve physical distancing. All Reformer cotton loops have been covered with a vinyl cover, which makes them much easier to wipe and disinfect. All boxes have been moved to the right side toward the back end of the Reformer to cut down on movement around the room. PowerCore Staff and clients are required to wear face masks per LA city guidelines at all times. PowerCore Staff will have their temperature taken and will be symptom checked prior to beginning their shift. Our Staff has been trained on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms. Instructors will give verbal cues during class, rather than making corrections with physical contact. In an effort to keep all of our Instructors and members safe, any client showing visible signs of illness (e.g. runny nose, persistent sneezing and/or cough, etc.) will be asked not to take class that day and their class credit will go back in their account.
  • Is my membership automatically reactivated when the studio reopens?
    No. We are allowing our members to return at their comfort level. When you're ready to resume your membership, please email and tell us what date you would like to restart your membership. We will not restart your autopay unless you ask! Please note that the moment we reactivate your account, your membership will restart right where it left off when it was frozen.
  • What do I have to do to reactivate my package?
    If you have a package of classes or privates with remaining credits/visits that was active (i.e., NOT expired) on 3/16/20, please email and tell us what date you would like to reactivate your package.
  • Not ready to sweat in the studio yet?
    We will continue to provide virtual workouts until you’re ready to join us at the studio. Click here to view schedule.
  • What can I expect when I come to class?
    Please arrive for class no more than 10 minutes prior to your class start time and line up outside the parking lot door, six feet apart, until a PowerCore Staff member clears you for entry. Prior to entering the studio, you will be temperature checked and additionally screened. Per CDC guidelines, individuals with a body temperature greater than 100.4 degrees will not be permitted to enter. You will be early canceled from class if you are not allowed to participate due to having a temperature. Face masks are required at all times while visiting our studio. Face masks must cover both your nose and mouth at all times. This includes before, during and after class (no exceptions). We recommend you check with your doctor before exercising with a face mask. Please only participate in exercises that you are able to comfortably breathe while wearing a face mask over both your nose and mouth. Do not overexert yourself while wearing a face mask and exercising. Please wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer upon entry and exit. All Instructors will be wearing a face mask at all times. Socks, preferably non-slip grip socks, are required for classes and private sessions. Grip socks are available for purchase at the studio. We encourage you to bring your own water bottle and towel. For your convenience, we will offer Reformer covers/towels for purchase at the studio. Spray and wipe down your Reformer prior to your class starting, as well as after your class ends. Please make sure to clean every single thing you have touched during class, including all parts of the machine, props, etc. No late entry – due to all of the pre-class precautions we are taking, if you arrive more than 5 minutes late to class you will not be allowed to join. We ask that you please arrive on time.
  • Important things I need to know!
    Please stay home and rest up if you are feeling unwell. Before participating in class, all returning and new clients will be required to sign our updated studio liability waiver, available in the client profile of MindBody. Please log into your MindBody account and complete all necessary fields prior to your first class back. The Woodman entrance door will be temporarily closed and locked. Clients will need to enter the studio through the parking lot door to ensure one-way foot traffic. Come fully dressed for class and try to use the restroom at home prior to entering the studio. If you don't need it to work out, don't bring it. Please come alone. No guests will be allowed in the studio at any time during classes. Our 12-hour cancellation policy will continue to be enforced, especially due to our limited schedule. Please be kind and patient with us as we do our best to ensure the smoothest transition for everyone to enjoy classes again.
As we reopen, more than anything we want you to feel safe and comfortable when you're working out with us. Your wellbeing is our #1 priority! We have made updates to our studio and to the way we serve you to help keep everyone healthy. Please take a moment to read through our updated studio policies so that you are aware of the precautions we are taking to keep you safe. 
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